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Royal Ducky

Along with Bigtreetech boards comes a BTT Ducky. She is the lady of first layer adhesion and thus having her around helps with first layer adhesion, so why not give her a comfrotable throne and a beautiful crown to appease her?



Here you can see the final print inside my voron v0, printed in purple ABS plastic.

Design iterations

These are the very first prints from the process. Notice how the crown is way too small and the throne is blocky. These were mostly just to see that they fit.

On the second iteration I rounded off the throne, because that made it look way better. Still feels kinda empty though, doesn't it? The crown was too big this time, where it would easily go over the eyes of her majesty and wouldn't hold onto her head very well unless her eyes were covered.

Then I added the holes for mounting to BTT SKR Mini E3:s mounting. These were a bit too small. The crown was too tight again.

So I ofcourse adjusted the holes and the crown. The holes fit now and so did the crown. Third, err... Fourth time is the charm, right? The crown from this one is included.

Then I added decoration to the base of the throne, no longer can it be empty. I also tried adding more spikes to the crown, but I might have gone a bit overboard with this. This crown is included in the files.

Here you can see the final design in the same format as the others. The holes were adjusted again, their positioning was a tad off this time. The crowns spikes were reduced, since last one had a bit too many. This crown and throne are both included in the files, along with a screwholeless version.

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Email: thaumatized@gmail.com

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