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The Pentacomplex

The Pentacomplex is a game inspired by an old Nokia phone game know as Diamond rush, which was inspired by a very old game called Boulder dash. Unfortunately I have limited time and energy to put towards my own projects like this, so it is very much so work in progress.


The newest version for each platform:

Windows WebGL


Future plans:

- an actual campaing.
  - 5 temples of challenge, hence the "penta" in The Pentacomplex
- cloud features.
  - custom level sharing
  - account system
- More tile-entities and tiles
 - Traps
 - Teleporter
 - More complex enemies
 - Logic tiles for signals (more control for buttons, doors and the like)
 - Slippery ice
 - "Ghosts" that mimic the players movement.
 - Way better UI
 - Way better Sprites
 - Better feeling gameplay, possibly by changing timing.
- Better signals
 - Visual indication of connections.
 - Colored sources and uses of signals.

Update Log:

Version 0.4.1 - COMING SOON
- Linux support!
  - Changed platfrom specific conditions to be conditional compilation.
   - I did this because the linux complitation progress is confused by functions imported from the js library for webgl.
   - As an additional benefit for the user this should make the game a bit smaller.
  - Fought the Unity engine for like 5h to figure out that IL2CPP compilation doesn't support System.Diagnostics.Process.Start function, because why would you need helpful errors when working with a complicated product like the unity engine?
- Optimized the function that converts an array of bytes to a hex string for saving in webgl.
  - I did this because with a newer version of unity it would cause an error, because it couldn't collect garbage.
  - The error it cave wasn't helpful at all and mislead me enough to waste atleast 30h on this one bug.
   - These 30h have been the most frustrating programming experience I have ever had and happened at a time, when I was conscripted in the finnish militiary and had very little free time.
- Developers website buttons now direct to the website without a port, as the port hasn't been required in a while.
- Editor now has zoom functionality.
- New Levels
  - Anti-Gravity-Boulder
  - Pitfalls
- Gems are counted now.

Version 0.4.0 - WebGL Windows
- A smarter levelsaving system and format
  - Allows for up to 254 different types of tiles, the old one was limited to 10.
  - 13% less data
  - This is based on the campaing levels before this update.
  - For this calculation leves were used in the same exact state that they were before the update.
  - Some level files are even larger on the new system, but most are smaller.
  - The difference is larger on levels with lots of attributes.
 - Old file formats are supported.
 - WebGL saves moved to localStorage, which is shared between versions.
- New tiles and tile-entities
 - Zero gravity Boulders
 - Signs
 - Checkpoints
 - Companion boulder
 - Exclusion Tile
- Doors can now be set to be open by default.
- Level setting can now be changed in the editor
 - Level size
 - Level theme
- In the editor, when editing a tile you can now press C or V to copy or paste.
- All campaign levels have excess tiles taken away.
- Added checkpoints all around.
- New Levels are now named "New Level" by default instead of "DefaultLevel".
- New Levels are now filled by default.
- New Levels are now 25x25 by default.
- Gem point tiers are now 1-3 instead of 1-5.
- Redid the Dev2 "End" sprite to have less of a clear edge.
- Fixed some sprites having compression turned on.
- Fixed main menu scaling for ultrawide monitors.
- Popups will no longer be left open if a menu is open when they are supposed to be closed.
- Lists of variable height stuff now scale properly in height. (tile/tile-entity attributes)
- Boulders and the like now won't get stuck offcenter if their trembling is interrupted.
- Removed an accidentally placed button from out of the bounds of rock yeeter.
- Removed "Editor Test" and "Mazes", because they were honestly very dull as levels.
 - The game no longer generates a file for them
 - If you already have a file, from an old version of the game, you can still play it.

Version 0.3.1 - WebGL Windows
- Easteregg: "Hot Twins"
- Scrollable elements scroll faster with a scroll wheel now.

Version 0.3.0 - WebGL Windows
- Quit button no longer shown in WebGL.
- New button to visit the developers website.
 - That is this site. It points here with the port 1025 because I still havent sorted that out.
 - This is done preemptively incase this game is ever published on other websites.
 - This is also nice for non-webgl builds.
- Added Enemies
 - Enemies kill the player on touch.
 - Enemies get killed by boulders.
 - Attributes control movement.
  - Currently this is just starting direction.
  - After hitting a wall the enemies turn around.
- Added new tiles
 - Doors
  - Listens to a boolean defined by an integer between 0 and 99 to determine the state of the door.
  - Can only close if no tile-entity is in the way.
 - Buttons
  - Sends out a boolean defined by an integer between 0 and 99.
  - Activated by having a tile-entity on it.
- The level saving system was improved so that it allows to save attributes for tile-entities and tiles, such as enemies starting direction or a buttons signal.
- Camera is now smoother.
 - Originally I thought the problem was in the players movement. Turns out it was the camera.
- Editor improvements
 - Camera can now move diagonally.
 - Editing tile-entity and tile attributes.
  - Clipboard feature for attribute editing
   - If tiles or tile-entities share an attribute it can be copied/pasted even between different types of tiles and tile-entities.
    - e.g. Both buttons and doors have a "signal" value.
 - Stopped new player-entities from becoming the cameras follow-target in edit mode.
- Pre 0.2.4 saves can now be loaded on the windows version too.
- New levels
 - RockYeeter
 - Enemies are a thing
- Easteregg: "Waterfall"

Version 0.2.4 - WebGL Windows
- The version text on the main menu now reads the application version set in unity, so that I only need to set it in one place. This is completely internal.
- The save system no longer writes the level data as binary, but instead as clear text. This should allow you to manipulate levels directly from the file if you wish.
 - saves now have a "save version", which allows me to modernize old saves if need be in any *later* versions. Saves older than 0.2.4 do not work in this version.
 - For WebGl the save version applies too, but older saves work too.
- You can now download WebGL saves as ".dat" for standalone.

Version 0.2.3 - WebGL Windows
- Slowed down the game a bunch to do what "the mechanic to stop the player from instally running to the next tile" was supposed to do. That is, to improve controls.
- Renamed to "The Pentacomplex" from "Community Gems".
- Accidentally built WebGL as minimalistic

Version 0.2.2 - WebGL Windows
- Removed the mechanic to stop the player from instally running to the next tile.
- Added a new level, Mazes.
- Renamed "Thaumatized's overcomplicated testing of the editor" to "Editor Test"
 - No longer uses "Dev" theme and instead Uses "Dev2".
- Renamed "Thaumatized's level loading test" to "level loading test"
- Renamed "Thaumatized's additional demo level" to "additional demo level".
- Accidentally built WebGL as minimalistic

Version 0.2.1 - WebGL Windows
- Added a mechanic to stop the player from instally running to the next tile.
- The quit button now redirects to "thaumatek.fi:1024", which works only with ipv4 and which is the more common protocol at the time of writing.

Version 0.2.0 - WebGL Windows
- Windows standalone
- Level editor
 - Levels saved as ".dat" files in a folder for windows
 - Levels saved as strings to playerprefs for WebGL
- 3 new levels and the old one got a name
 - old one is now KittyWarrior's Demo Tutorial
 - Thaumatized's overcomplicated testing of the editor
 - Thaumatized's level loading test
 - Thaumatized's additional demo level
- Improved main menu
 - Editor levels button, to browse, edit and create custom levels
 - Levels folder button, to browse levels as files. not for webgl.
 - Quit button, which on webgl redirects to "thaumatek.fi", which as of time of writing only works with ipv6, thanks DNA >:(. (They block incoming traffic on privileged ports, but only when using ipv4 for some reason.)
 - Version text
- Level browsers for custom and default levels
- New tile, the exit tile.
 - acts a the goal.
 - The room full of gems int the Demo Tutorial replaced with one of these.
- Levels can now have theme-packs. There is no way to activate the in the editor for now.
 - dev2-theme, which is used in three of the four levels and all custom levels.
 - dev-theme, which is used in "Thaumatized's overcomplicated testing of the editor".

Version 0.1.0 - WebGL
- initial release
 - WebGL
 - Empty and full tiles
 - Tile-entities
  - Player character
   - Basic movement
  - Leaftiles, breakable by the player
  - Boulders, can kill player
  - Gems, dont do anything yet, but can be collected
 - Restart by pressing R
- main menu
 - the dev background
 - a play button

Contact Information:

Email: thaumatized@gmail.com

Essential links:

